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Zwarte lucht


The artwork of Morena Bamberger is a visual and accessible expression of a deep emotional connection between herself, others and planet earth with all her powers and mysteries of the universe.


Nature, spirituality, sincere connections and astral traveling between different dimensions form a central theme.

She creates artworks by working from a mediative state.

The borders between her art and her work as healer and coach seams diffuse. She perceives her work as a portal between our daily reality and a more hidden but equal reality where mysticism, energieflow, ancient powers, archetypes and soul-connections play an important role.

Her wish to make deep harmonious connections emerges from her Sinti-Background: ‘’ In the Sinti Culture nature, traveling, music, sound, fire and connecting people forms an important aspect. These values are always present in my artwork at a subconscious level’’


Her colorful installations paintings, video’s and sculptures are made of simple materials like paper, fabric, plastic, tinfoil, light, air and bubbles.

Her work is mostly cloaked in pink, turquoise and purple, which creates a certain warmth, attraction and wellbeing.

The used symbols and shapes refer to cosmic connections, shamanism and magic.

The visitors can experience her artwork with all their senses, but for Morena is it also important to touch their inner worlds and energy.

She creates surrealistic worlds between dream and reality, where people can call on their imagination and make deep connections with each-other and with an inner spiritual self.


Morena Bamberger graduated in 2018 at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design where she accomplished  her Bachelor Fine Art. In 2019 she was an artist in residence at the Jan van Eyck Academie Maastricht. She won the Gilbert de Bontridderaward and the Henriëtte Hustinxaward (both in 2018) and in 2019 the Limburgs Beeldende Kunst Stipendium. 


Source: Translated exhibition text of the Parkstadlimburgaward 2022, Schunck museum




Morena’s artistic skills started when she was only a young Sinti-girl who was raised in a Sinti- settlement near Roermond in The Netherlands.  For centuries gipsy’s like the Sinti’s are well known for their intuitive skills, close relations with mother-nature, their passionate music, fires, and romantic nomadic lifestyle. But unfortunately Sinti's and Roma were persecuted and banned for centuries because of their exotic Indian looks and traditional nomadic lifestyle. During the second Worldwar half a‘milion Sinti and Roma were deported and brutally killed. And this left another huge scar on the entire community. Morena does not profile herself as a Sinti artist, but many people find her past interesting in relation to her works.  Spirituality, connection and intuition are a secret key in the Sinti and Roma community.

Morena's dream is to create artworks by using the intuitive skills and spiritual insides that ensue from her roots.

In 2017 she created two beautiful movies about her roots where she invited her family into her artistic world by a series of performances. It was a difficult task for her to create these movies, because she recently broke up with her family and she had to overwin ancestral patterns of shame, fear and even guild. But eventualy these movies were creating a lovely en authentic bridge between her artistic practice and her roots. 'It was the most healing artwork I've ever made.'

It is all the more special that the Polish Roma artist Malgorzata Mirga-Tas was inspired by these films. From Morena's video images she created a series of new portraits for her first Dutch solo exhibition in the Netherlands at the Bonnefantenmusuem Maastricht. For her first solo, Malgorzata collaborated with Morena to also tell the story of the Sinti people in the Netherlands. Morena was commissioned by the museum to create a new installation about her Sinti roots, in which her two films are also shown.

When the pureness of creative energy flows like a passionate river through my veins, I feel like the most blessed being in our infinite universe.

When I create I’ll enter in a sacred space of oneness, knowing that everything I’ve ever experienced will be forever enriching in an upward spiral of bliss.  

Knowing, that all the things that bloom from this spiral will

forever spread light at our consciousness.


My artwork is a pure reflection of my deepest perception of mother earth and the multiverses surrounding her soul.Most elements are whispering a mythical story of the invisible spheres we cannot perceive in our daily lives.I encourage my audience to unlock their hidden sensory powers and to hear what these mythical elements are whispering.


From a strong meditative connection with source I create colorful art-installations, paintings, video’s, and sculptures that look otherworldly.

When this happens I feel like the universe is painting a tale of wisdom and I’ll be the brush dancing on a canvas. By processing vulnerable materials, scent, movement and sound, I’ ll guide people towards the source of intuitive discovery.

My dream is to truly embrace the beauty of vulnerability,  

to make room for reconnection, healing and miracles.


Morena Bamberger

Nachtelijke hemel



2025 Stedelijk museum Schiedam New artwork will be pesented

Curator: Nicolette Gast

2025 Documentary on Dutch public broadcaster NPO programm "Het uur van de wolf"

De erkende filmmaker Carin Goeijers zal een uitgebreide docu maken over mijn werk.
In deze documentaire zal ik ook live performances doen en nieuw werk ontwikkelen.


2026/2028 Bonnefantenmusem, Maastricht

After consultation with the arstistic director it is decided that in the coming years a big solo with several works will be exhibited.

The datum will follow soon.​​


2024 Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

Samenwerking met Malgorzata Mirga-tas in haar solotentoonstelling "This is not he end of the road"
Mijn nieuwe installatie "Sonnekaskro Djiephen" is in opdracht gemaakt en opgenomen in de collectie
Curator: Stijn Huijts, artistiek directeur Bonnefantenmuseum.

2024 Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

Groepstentoonstelling "Binnenstebuiten"
De installatie Ethereality wordt voor de tweede keer vertoond door het museum maar aangepast en vergroot.
Curator: Celien Govaerts


​2023 Odapark centrum voor hedendaagse kunst, Venray

Solotentoonstelling "I still believe" met drie nieuwe installaties:

Eternal Slumber, Samsara en In the beginning when god created the heavens and the earth
Curator: Joep Vossebeld & Hester van Tongerlo

2023 Synagoge, Meerssen

Presentatie binnen de tentoonstelling "Nooit bevrijd"
Vertoning van video terug naar roedel & het spelende wezen
Organisator & historicus Jac Lemmens

2022 Schunk, Heerlen

​Tentoonstelling in het kader van de Parkstad Limburgprijs 2022

Genomineerden: Floor Martens,Liza Wolters, Mickey Yang, Mike Moonen,
Quinn Zeljak, Vera Gulikers en William Ludwig Lutgens.

Winnaar: Morena Bamberger
Curator: Patricia van den ende

2022 Kapel in t, zand, Roermond

Presentatie binnen de tentoonstelling "Nooit bevrijd"
Vertoning van video terug naar roedel & het spelende wezen
Organisator & historicus Jac Lemmens​

2021 De Domeinen, Sittard

De film ‘ Home ground’ is vertoont in de groepstentoonstelling ‘De Salon’
Curator: Marjo Boosten

2020 ECI cultuurfabriek, Roermond

Het werk ‘Canis Lunatic’ is vertoont in de groepstentoonstelling ‘Leermeesters’

2019 Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

Eerste Solopresentatie van Ethereality na aanleiding van het ontvangen
van het Limburg Beeldende kunst stipendium.
Gekoppeld aan dit stipendium zat een geldbedrag en een residentie van drie maanden
op de Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht.


2019 Werkplaats K, Kerkrade

Het werk ‘Canis Lunatic’ werd vertoont binnen de groepstentoonstelling Multiply by Sharing.
Curator: Joep Vossebeld

2019 Klooster van Wittem

Het werk ‘Canis lunatic’ werd vertoont binnen een groepstentoonstelling met 100 vrouwelijke
kunstenaars genaamd: 100 jaar vrouwenkiesrecht.
Organisator: Annette Reiff

2019 Plateaukunst, Bemelen

De installatie ‘Reinconenction’ werd vertoont binnen een groepstentoonstelling.
Organisator: Wanda Reiff

2018 Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam

De installatie ‘Reinconnection’ werd kleinschalig vertoond binnen This Art Fair.
Organisator: Mette Samkalden

2018 Melkweg, Amsterdam

De film ‘Home ground’ werd vertoond in de groepstentoonstelling Arty Party.

2018 Filmtheater De nieuwe Scene, Venlo

De film ‘Home ground’ werd vertoond tijdend het As Equals filmfestival.
Organisator: Anita Smeets

2018 ECI Cultuurfabriek, Roermond

De film ‘Home ground’ werd vertoond tijdend het As Equals filmfestival.
Organisator: Anita Smeets

2018 Cultura Nova, Heerlen

Soloperformance genaamd ‘Het land van Ayni’
Curator: Marjolein van der Loo

2018 TENT academy award, Rotterdam

Groepspresentatie voor de Tent academy film award.
Genomineerden: Morena Bamberger, Michelle Ermens, Melinda Tang, Justin Bentvelsen, Joris Verleg, Joran van
Soest, Iris Lam, Guus Voorham, Frankie James, Chantal Wijkmans, Alai Botter.
Winnaar: Natalia Papaeva


2018 Maastricht Academy of Fine arts and Design

Afstudeertentoonstelling waarin de film ‘Home ground’ en de installatie ‘Reinconnection’ werden vertoont.
Afgestudeerden: Don possen, Amber Lalieu, Rachelle Bindels, Diddianne Leusink, Bert Snaterse.

2017 Maastricht Gasbunker

Echoes, group performance

2017 Heerlen Nieuwe Nor

Parallel Music x Art project, group show

Awards & nominations

Artworks in collections

2025 Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht "Eternal Slumber"

2024 Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht "Sonnekaskro Djiephen"

Diverse private collections


2018 - Graduated with Honors Bachelor Fine Arts
Academy of Fine Arts and Design Maastricht The Netherlands


2019 Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht

Gekoppeld aan het Limburg beeldende kunst stipendium zat een korte werkperiode van drie maanden

aan de J.V.E Academie, een geldbedrag en tevens een kleinschalige solo in het Bonnefantenmusuem.

2019 VHDG Voorheen de Gemeente, Leeuwarden

De residentie bij VHDG bestond uit een kort verblijf van drie weken waarin mij werd gevraagd om een

nieuwe installatie te ontwikkelen die mogelijk ingezet zou kunnen worden tijdens het Welcome to the Village

Festival in Leeuwarden.

Coaching & other activities

2024              Advanced workshop, Rietveldacademie / Sandberginstituut, Amsterdam
2024              Advanced workshop gekoppeld aan solotentoonstelling, Odapark Venray
2017 / 2023   Jongerencoach in scenografie, ECI cultuurfabriek, Roermond
2018 / 2023   Coach autonome kunst aan de vooropleiding voor de kunstacademie, ECI Cultuurfabriek Roermond
2021 / 2022   Beeldend coach & adviseur voor MAAKPLAATS Roermond
2019 / 2021   Gastdocent bij Kunstencentrum Venlo, Kunstacademie Maastricht, Agora Roermond

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